Monday, June 14-Penultimate Class: a couple of MAD LIBS

In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress.

This is our penultimate class. What does that word mean?

As I shared with you, I am not in school today. Ms. Cooley will take over. Below you will find a couple of MAD LIBS.  As a class, see what you can do with them. You can put your responses into the that. You are encouraged to be creative!

Lots and lots of work was received by midnight on Friday. These addtions will soon be tallied.

MAD LIBS     The Three Musketeers

There is no more rousing story  in (adjective) _______________ than

The Three (plural noun) _________________________. This (adjective) romance, by

the great French  (noun)________________________ Alexander Dumas, tells the story 

of d’Artagnan , a/ an (adjective) young (noun)_________________________ who

 arrives in seventeeth-century Paris riding a/an (noun)__________________________

 with only three (plural noun)___________________________ in his pocket.

 Determined to be in theservice of the (noun)______________________, who rules all 

of France, he duels with Athos, Porthos and (person in the room), three of the king’s 

best ______________________.Eventually, these swordsmen and d’Artagnan save their

 (adjective) ___________________King from being overthrown and losing his

 (noun)___________________. Over the years, The Three Musketeers has been made

 into a stage (noun), two motion (noun)____________________ and, most recently, a

 Broadway (noun) __________________.



A recent (adjective) ________________________ shows that the majority of people are

terrified of public (verb ending in ing)___________________________. They would

 rather walk across burning (plural noun) ________________ or

 swim (noun)______________________infested waters than give a speech in front of 

(noun) ____________________. This (adjective)

______________________ fear can be overcome in five easy (plural noun1.).

1.     1 Organize all your (plural noun)__________________________on a piece of (noun)   __________________.                                                                                                           2. Remember to start your speech with a funny (noun) ___________________________.


3.     3When speaking, look your audience straight in the (part of the

         body)  ___________________________ and speak in a strong and 

           (adjective)________________________ voice.


4.     4. Be simple. Never use (adjective) ______________________words that are over the

 audiences’ (part of body) ________________________.


5.     5. Always keep a pitcher of (type of liquid) ________________________ next to you,

         in case your (part of the body) __________________________ goes dry.                                                             





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